Human Trafficking Exists in Our Community
Find out why it happens and what you can do to help

Essex County • northern Saratoga County • Warren County • Washington County

Be a voice.
Make a difference.

Registration, courtesy of the ARCC


(local, state, and national)

2024 Trafficking in Persons Report

from the state department

WAIT House (Safe Harbour)

Anti-Trafficking Program

Outreach Coordinator, Rzonathan Morris

(518) 798-4384


Planned Parenthood of Greater New York

Victim Advocacy Services

Planned Parenthood of Greater New York


Her Song (Tim Teebow Foundation)

Victim Advocacy Services



Warren-Washington CARE Center

Training & Resources



Child Abuse Prevention Education & Training | Warren & Washington County NY


Domestic Violence Project of Warren & Washington Counties

518-793-9496 (24/7 hotline)

ABOUT US — Domestic Violence Project of Warren and Washington Counties (

National Human Trafficking Hotline

Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance Refugee Services

Programs and Services


Refugee Services (RS) | OTDA (


Department of Labor- Division of Compliance and Education

Reporting, Awareness and Prevention


Human Trafficking | Department of Labor (

WAIT House | Anti-Trafficking Program

10-12 Wait St, Glens Falls, NY 12801

Human Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation in NYS

NYS Office of Children & Family Services

Human Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation in NYS | Division of Youth Development and Partnerships for Success | Office of Children and Family Services.

National Human Trafficking Hotline

National Human Trafficking Resource Center


Palm Card (PDF file)

Click to download (176 KB)

Human Trafficking | Myth vs. Truth

Trafficking Myth vs. Truth” — an eye-opening video shedding light on misconceptions surrounding human trafficking. Stand in solidarity, debunk myths, and empower yourself to combat human trafficking through education and understanding.

Our caring partners:

Pine Knolls Alliance Church - To Experience and Share the Hope and Healing of Jesus
ARCC - Advocacy. Education. Connection. Collaboration.
WAIT-House - Serving Runaway and Homeless Youth in Upstate NY
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Southern Adirondacks - We provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring adult mentor relationships that change their lives for the better.
TRI-COUNTY UNITED WAY - an organization dedicated to helping people. We work to improve lives and make a positive impact in our communities by raising resources, both monetary and volunteer. We strive to do this through collaboration with others; encouraging volunteerism, and resolving community problems through identifying and communicating our community’s priority issues.
New York State Children’s Alliance
NYS Office of Children and Family Services

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